Ok first of all, happy re-design 2012! Ok so I made a Flash about cheese and it has an OK score on it. I have a Flash coming up from an excerpt of a famous Batman comic: The Killing Joke. (I'm looking for a Joker voice actor to do the whole thing, so if you're interested PM me or comment). I also am planning a comedy Flash about monsters. :D
I also got scouted for the Art Portal, so expect some better and awesome looking artwork from me. Secretly my friend and I have been making an Asteroids re-design called, Asteroids: Onslaught. It's going to have unlock able ships, power-ups, Bombs, comets, HUGE Asteroids, Aliens, Classic Arcade mode, andddd Defend the Planets mode and much, much more that I cannot speak of. Here's a break down of "Defend the Planets" mode:
You start off in space with a random planet in the background. Your mission is to eliminate the Asteroids and Comets heading towards the planets. If you think that's hard, there are also Aliens that will try to kill you. That's it really. We're hoping to release an update a few weeks after submitting it with an Overworld map for Defend the Planets, new enemies and 10 new ships to unlock. We've been working on this for a few months and we feel confident that you'll like it.
That's all guys, see you laterr.